Beachwood Center for Wellbeing provides services and training in Integrative Equine Therapy (IET), a unique protocol for treating anxiety, grief, trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and other stress-related illnesses.

They serve both paying and non-paying clients; with their target goal of clients being 50% paid and 50% non-paid. All veterans, and community referrals from ministries and social services, are treated without charge.

With one of their founders being a naval officer, the Center has focused on veterans with PTSD. This work has proved to be particularly successful, and we continue to expand our Veteran outreach.

The Center has expanded to include five locations located in Wellington, FL, Charlestown, RI, Philadelphia, PA, Davis, CA and Washington, DC. 

Learn more at and follow Beachwood Center for Wellbeing on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

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