Manes for Movement provides both equine assisted therapies and recreational equine activities to children with a variety of developmental, genetic, and neuromuscular diagnoses, including but not limited to Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, ADHD, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and a variety of genetic syndromes.

Based out of Torrance, California, Manes for Movement also serves individuals from a variety of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds in the South Bay Community.

Since its founding, Manes for Movement has provided thousands of hours of direct client services. Their goal is to continue to grow and expand our services, so that one day, anyone who can benefit from the life changing equine assisted programing available at Manes for Movement can have access. Even more importantly, they hope to grow so that everyone in the South Bay of Los Angeles and beyond can be included in the equestrian community regardless of their disability status.

Learn more at and follow Manes for Movement on Facebook and Instagram.