The next application period closes on December 1, 2024. Applicants must complete and submit the digital application form on or before the application deadline. Please review the eligibility requirements prior to submitting an application.

A Review Committee comprised of USEF Board of Directors, members, executive staff, and athletes will review applications to assess whether all requirements have been met before organizations are approved into the Program. US Equestrian will connect with organizations to confirm if their applications have been approved and provide instructions on next steps.

Apply Here

Here's a list of everything you'll need to include.


Mikhail Proctor

[email protected] 

Additional Resources

Digital Application

Access the Community Outreach Organizations Program digital application here. Please note that all application components must be submitted at the same time. You cannot save a started application and pick up where you left off.

Information to Provide in Online Application

Information you will be asked to provide in online application

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements for organizations interested in joining the USEF Community Outreach Organization Program

Eligibility Requirements (Screen-Reader Accessible)

Eligibility requirements for organizations interested in joining the USEF Community Outreach Organization Program

USEF Community Outreach Organization Directory Benefits

Benefits available to organizations listed on the USEF Community Outreach Organizations Directory