Staff Liaison: Amber Braun
The ESC develops and maintains the long-term strategic approach for the Sport of Eventing both nationally and internationally, and sets goals and targets for working groups and monitors the progress throughout the process.
- Works with the Recognized Affiliate for the betterment and growth of their discipline
- Develops and recommends policy and strategic direction for the discipline
- Develops training programs for the discipline and oversees their implementation
- Recommends the appointment of consultant staff to support the implementation of the training programs and international teams
- Recommends the Selection Procedures and procedures for athletes competing in international competitions for approval by the Board and oversees the implementation of the Procedures
- Recommends the Discipline Budget for approval and oversees the management of the Eventing Budget
- Recommends teams and individual athletes to be designated to represent the United States in future Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Pan American Games and other international competitions in its discipline
- Reviews and recommends rule amendments as required
- Considers the recommendations and suggestions submitted by the respective Recognized Affiliate
- Recommends the FEI Calendar for approval
- Assists with any other issues that may arise
Staff Liaison: Amber Braun
- Provides recommendations and advice to the ESC on matters pertaining to the U.S. Eventing Calendar
- Recommends approval of the USEF National Eventing Championships, including the Youth Championship bid applications
- Provides recommendations on calendar processes as indicated by the rules and calendaring policies and procedures
- Reviews feedback from USEA and membership regarding rules
- Assists the ESC and Working Groups with developing new or amending existing rules
- Reviews Licensed Official matters
Staff Liaison: Gemma Stobbs and Christina Vaughn
- Selectors for Eventing are approved by the CEO and are included in the Selection Procedures for the relevant championship for which they are appointed.
- The Selectors report their recommendations to the ESC, or an Ad Hoc Group approved by the ESC. If satisfied that the procedures outlined in the Selection Procedures have been followed, the ESC or the approved Ad Hoc, forward these recommendations directly to the Ad Hoc Group of the USEF Board of Directors for the selection of teams for CCIOs and Championships.
Staff Liaison: Gemma Stobbs and Christina Vaughn
- The Eventing Performance Working Group assists the USEF Staff, Eventing Team Staff, Chef d’Equipe/High Performance Manager, and Development Coach with identifying new and innovative ideas to strengthen and sustain a performance-driven Eventing Pathway.
Staff Liaison: Gemma Stobbs and Christina Vaughn
- Are representatives for all U.S. Eventing Athletes
- Provides feedback and recommendations to the ESC on matters of Athlete concern and High Performance
- Provides recommendations to the ESC on the Eventing Strategic Plan to deliver sustained success
- Reviews rule change proposals that are relevant to the sport of Eventing and provide
recommendations to the ESC of behalf of the Athletes - Consultation with the Strategic Calendar Review Task Force on requested matters