The U.S. Center for SafeSport will update their SafeSport training courses on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Those who are in the process of completing a course need to complete them by Tuesday, March 25 to avoid having to restart from the beginning.

The competitor’s mobility, strength and coordination are assessed in order to establish their Classification Profile. People with similar functional ability Profiles are grouped into competition Grades. The Grades range from Grade I for the most severely impaired, to Grade V for the least impaired. The competition within each Grade can therefore be judged on the skill of the individual competitor on their horse, regardless of the competitor’s impairment.


Forms and Publications

Guidelines Tack and Equipment (please read)


Webinar: Understanding Para Equestrian Classification

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USEF Classification / Dispensation Master List Listed alphabetically. Updated 12/18/2024

Master list of athletes with FEI/USEF/Classification or USEF Dispensation Certificates. Updated 12/18/2024

USEF Classification Request Form. Must be submitted with USEF Consent to Classification Form and USEF Medical Dx Form.

USEF Classification Request Form must be completed to compete in Para Equestrian Test of Choice Classes held at U.S. Dressage competitions. FEI Classification Request Forms must be completed to compete in CPEDI competitions

USEF Medical Diagnostic Form (Must be submitted with USEF Classification Request Form and USEF Consent for Classification Form)

USEF Medical Diagnostic Form

USEF Consent for Classification. Must be submitted with Application for USEF Classification and USEF Medical Dx Form.

Consent Form

USEF Medical Review Request Form

Medical Review Form

USEF VI Medical Diagnostic Form (Visually Impaired Athletes)

USEF Medical Diagnostic Form

FEI Classification Master List Para-Dressage

List of athletes who have received an International Classification

FEI Classification

International Classification calendar