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November 14, 2025 

UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show 

Kansas City, MO

For specific competition information, please visit the American Royal website here.

Consider supporting the USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final with a donation today.


US Equestrian, in conjunction with the UPHA Board of Directors, have agreed to move the USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final to the UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show starting in 2023. The decision was made to move this Final from the Lexington Junior League Charity Horse Show to the UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show to enable the adult amateur riders to have a longer qualification time frame for the 2023 competition year.


USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal classes are open to Senior Active amateur members, 18 years of age or older, of the Federation. No credit will be given for winnings before a competitor becomes a member. A rider must have shown and been judged in a qualifying class to be eligible to compete in the USEF Adult Amateur Medal Final. A win does not eliminate the rider from further competition in this class for the remainder of the qualifying season.


List of riders qualifed for the USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final. The 2025 qualification period runs from 11/16/2024 to 11/13/2025. View a list of the 2025 competitions hosting qualifying classes HERE

Arabian riders may qualify for the Saddle Seat Medal final by competing at the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, Ohio Buckeye Sweepstakes & NSHR District Championships, and the Arabian and Half-Arabian Youth National Championships in designated classes. 

For a full list of the newly approved qualifying criteria, please visit the 2024 USEF Saddle Seat Medal Final specifications document below. 

The History 

The History of the Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final. The American Horse Shows Association (AHSA) equitation medal was established in 1937 by the fourth President of the AHSA, Adrian Van Sinderen, as part of his strategy to connect horse people across the United States. In 2001, the tradition of the medal program was extended to the adult amateur exhibitor by offering the USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final. The Final was created for adult amateur riders to continue to participate in the discipline of Equitation at this prestigious Final. The pattern or tests at the Final, are considered to be the most difficult in saddle seat equitation, highlighting the true top performers of the discipline.



For questions concerning the USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal program, please contact:

Emily McSweeney

Forms and Publications

2024 USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Specifications

Specifications document containing NEW qualifying criteria and competition format for the Final.

Past USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final Champions

A list of the past champions to the USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final.

USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final Donation

Donation Brochure for the USEF Saddle Seat Adult Amateur Medal Final.