The U.S. Center for SafeSport will update their SafeSport training courses on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Those who are in the process of completing a course need to complete them by Tuesday, March 25 to avoid having to restart from the beginning.

Western Dressage integrates the historically validated principles of Dressage with the best of Western stock horse tradition. Western Dressage tests provide the opportunity for horse and rider to demonstrate growth through a series of progressive elements by advancing from test to test and level to level as they develop in physical skill, mental maturity, and partnership. Competitions are both rewarding and educational, with judges providing scores and offering feedback for each element, as well as for collective marks demonstrated throughout the test.

Western Dressage is a very versatile discipline as it is open to any breed of horse or pony, including mules, and offers an avenue of competition for all levels of exhibitor and horse. The goal of Western Dressage is to develop a partnership between a happy equine athlete working in harmony with its rider.

The Western Dressage discipline offers the format of traditional Dressage in the use of tests to be performed at various levels of difficulty, but using traditional Western stock-type maneuvers. The discipline also offers rail classes in Western Dressage Suitability, Hack, and Equitation. A fan favorite in this discipline is the Western Musical Freestyle division, where exhibitors are free in the form and manner of presentation they choose while using the gaits and movements of the discipline ridden to music.

Western Dressage Committee


Lexie Stovel
National Breeds & Disciplines Program Manager
[email protected] (859) 225-2042


Western Dressage Association

Recognized National Affiliate Association

The mission statement of WDAA is to build an equine community that combines the Western traditions of horse and rider with Classical Dressage. WDAA honors the horse, values the partnership between horse and rider, and celebrates the legacy of the American West.

You can visit the Western Dressage Association at their website:

Forms and Publications

Current Western Dressage Tests Link

Current Western Dressage Tests

Western Dressage Equipment Book

A guideline of legal and illegal equipment when competing in Western Dressage classes.

2023 Rail Class Guide for Western Dressage Judges

A reference guide for judges regarding Western Dressage Rail Classes.

2023 WD Equitation Score Sheets

Link to the WDAA page which provides WD Equitation Score Sheets for Walk-Jog Tests A & B, Intermediate Tests A & B, and Advanced Tests A & B

WDAA/USEF Membership Benefits

The benefits of being both a WDAA member and a USEF member

Competition Licensing Comparison

Document outlining the different competition licensing options for Western Dressage competitions.

Western Dressage Glossary of Terms

Western Dressage Glossary of Terms