The USEF Western Equitation Medal Program was launched in 2021 by the USEF Western Committee in hopes to encourage participation in the Western Discipline at USEF licensed competitions.  The program was created as an awards program with the goal of future expansion to hold Championship classes.  Medal classes were created for Juniors and for Adult Amateurs and are open to participation by all breeds.  Each rider will be asked to complete a rail phase and a pattern, each of which will count for 50%.  For the rail phase, exhibitors will be asked to walk, jog, and perform a three beat lope both ways of the ring and may be asked to back. For the patterns, please see the document listed below. 

There are no qualifications for these classes, just simply enter! Click here to search for competitions that hold these classes. Full rules for the USEF Western Equitation Junior Medal and USEF Western Equitation Adult Amateur Medal can be found in the Equitation chapter of the USEF rulebook.


Staff Contact

Lexie Stovel

[email protected]


Forms and Publications

USEF Western Equitation Medal Patterns

Patterns for use in the USEF Western Equitation Junior and Adult Amateur Medals.