It not only takes countless hours of dedication and determination, it takes a special spirit. Being named one of the US Equestrian Horse of the Year champions is an honor that will last a lifetime.

US Equestrian's award program is one of the oldest nationally recognized multi-breed awards programs in the country. The national awards are celebrated during the Annual Meeting Gala held each year. It is a chance for each member earning the title of national champion to come forth and be recognized by his or her peers.

Many national winners have the additional honor of having their names engraved on one of the many beautiful trophies that are a part of the Federation’s impressive collection. These awards are placed on display at the national headquarters for all visitors to see and admire. Grand champion horses in the Horse of the Year program receive coolers appliquéd with their achievement, as well. Owners of national champions receive "keeper" trophies to add to their home collection. Ribbons are distributed to not only champions, but to those coming in through sixth place in the national, zone, and regional standings.

US Equestrian salutes the hard work of each of our champions in their respective breed or discipline. From the grassroots to the national level, the USEF is proud to celebrate every award recipient.

Join in the Fun

Winning awards is great, but you can’t forget one of the best parts of riding – spending time with your horse and all the fun! And as a member of US Equestrian, you are a part of a huge family of equestrians whose varied interests are truly impressive. Nowhere will you find a more diverse and proud group.

Getting Started

What is the first step on the road to being named one of the US Equestrian Horse of the Year winners? Simple – the first step is getting your horse recorded.

It is as easy as filling out a Horse Application, which may be found on our website or may be obtained at any recognized horse show or by contacting the US Equestrian office at 859 810-8733.

The cost for life recording a horse is $35 until December 31 of the year foaled and $300 for horses one year or older. The annual recording fee is $95 for the competition year. Unless these fees are paid, you cannot participate in the US Equestrian Horse of the Year program. Once the horse is recorded, points can start accumulating toward the awards program.

To learn more about how to become a member and record your horse in order to participate in the US Equestrian Horse of the Year Awards Program Click Here.