USEF contributes to the greater good of horses by assisting with their protection and welfare in daily competition and ensuring fairness, safety, and enjoyment of the sport. People like you support this important work by reporting violations and abuse.
You can anonymously submit a report by texting 28733 (2USEF), or by completing the form in the button below.
The Federation does not have government authority in its investigation and pursuit of rule violations. Therefore, we rely on the willingness of our licensed officials and witnesses to file reports with the Federation and to participate in the investigation and disciplinary process. When reporting an alleged violation of the Unethical Treatment of the Horse rule, the following information will be useful in the Federation's investigation:
Anyone reporting a violation or suspected violation must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation. Any allegations that prove not to be substantiated and that prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense and will be considered a rule violation, subjecting the reporting party to disciplinary action.
Submit A Report OnlineLicensed Officials, Competition Management, and Competition Veterinarians at Federation Licensed Competitions may issue immediate penalties against any Participant they deem to have engaged in Unethical Treatment of a Horse on competition grounds or directly related to the competition. Potential penalties include an official written warning, elimination, disqualification, and/or removal from the grounds. In addition, penalties apply to anyone found to have instructed another to engage in Unethical Treatment of a Horse.