Warning Card System

The Warning Card System’s goal is to have conduct addressed and documented immediately, be it an infraction that rises to the level of a Yellow Warning Card or is less severe and warrants a Recorded Warning.

Warning Card System

During the 2025 Annual Meeting, the US Equestrian Board of Directors approved amendments to GR1037 (formerly titled Yellow Warning Card System – Stewards and Technical Delegates). This revised rule will go into effect on April 1, 2025.

The Warning Card System rule was amended to encourage and empower Judges, Stewards, and Technical Delegates to address conduct as it happens and correct behavior that should not be repeated. As part of the revision of this rule, USEF focused on clarity and flexibility by streamlining the existing Yellow Warning Card process and adding a Recorded Warning process to provide a mechanism for addressing less egregious behavior.

Issued Warning Card List

Below are the list of warning cards that have been issued in the last 12 months.