A U.S. athlete who wishes to compete in national level classes/competitions outside the U.S. must be a U.S. citizen, be a current USEF Competing Member in good standing, and have completed the National Permission Questionnaire (excludes competitions in Canada and Mexico). Complete the National Permission Questionnaire on the Athlete Dashboard to receive a Letter of Permission. Athletes will receive a letter of permission within 48 business hours. A letter will also be sent to the foreign National Federation.

Read the Athlete Reference Guides for helpful information including how to submit entries, fees, and requirements.


FEI Invitiation System

Athletes that are on the Longines FEI Show Jumping Ranking list and seeking invitations to CSI competitions will need to utilize the FEI Invitation System. Select the competitions you wish to be invited to on the FEI website or on your FEI SportApp. 

  • Athletes can choose up to 5 competitions for a given week
  • Competitions can be listed in order of priority for all competitions where the CSI Invitation Rules apply
  • Corresponding Applications to Compete Abroad or Declarations for US competitions should be submitted to USEF when selections are submitted through the FEI Invitations System
Invitation Request Timeline

8-5 weeks prior to the competition: Athletes must select the competitions they wish to receive an invitation to 

4 weeks prior to the competition: Athletes can make, edit, and/or change their choices for a given week

  • During this timeframe, athletes can make, edit, and/or change their choices through their FEI SportApp or on the FEI website.
  • Athletes can add horses or indicate the number of horses they wish to take by adding Horse Slots to their wish.

4 weeks prior to the competition: USEF will confirm the athlete's selections

  • Athletes must have submitted an application to compete abroad or a declaration for a national FEI competition.
  • USEF can add and/or change the athlete's selection upon written request, or the receipt of an applicable application to compete aboard.

3 weeks prior to the competition: Invitations will be distributed to athletes

  • Entries will automatically become accepted entries with the designated horses or Horse Slots indicated on the wish.


Criteria to Compete Outside the USA

Review the Criteria to Compete and the Protocols for Competing Abroad before submitting an application. In some cases, athletes will need to submit a waiver to compete at certain levels in foreign competitions. Check your Rolex/USEF Show Jumping Ranking to help determine if a waiver is necessary.

Additional Information

USEF & FEI Rules

Ranking Lists



Contact the Athlete Services Department via email: [email protected]

Forms and Publications

Criteria to Compete in Foreign CSIOs and CSIs for Ch-P-J-Y-U25

Criteria to Compete in Foreign CSIOs and CSIs for Ch-P-J-Y-U25 - Effective Jan. 1, 2012; Updated March 6, 2013

Protocols For Competing Abroad - Show Jumping

Protocols to be Followed by US Show Jumping Athletes wishing to compete abroad - eff. Jan. 1, 2013; updated March 6, 2013

Rolex/USEF Show Jumping Ranking List Guidelines

Rolex/USEF Show Jumping Ranking List Guidelines - Effective April 5, 2016