Ensuring the health of horses at USEF Competitions is a top priority for the Federation. To that end, the US Equestrian has produced resources to be utilized by competition management, trainers, owners, and riders.

Importance of Isolation

Isolation of sick horses is critical to ensuring the health of the other horses on the competition grounds. Isolation is the separation of healthy horses from those suspected or confirmed to have an infectious disease. Understanding what appropriate isolation is and why it is important is critical to controlling a disease outbreak. Reducing the risk and spread of infection is especially important when horses are congregating and commingling at competitions. Knowing which horses have been exposed helps decrease the further spread of disease. In addition to isolation of sick horses, basic biosecurity steps can be taken such as limited horse to horse contact, equipment should not be shared and cleaning and disinfection of stalls, feed and water buckets, temporary stall panels, etc. should occur regularly and routinely.

Federation Isolation Rules

Beginning December 1, 2024, under GR 874, competition managers are required to upload isolation plans 14 days prior to the start of the competition. Isolation plans are to be completed using the Isolation Plan Template on the Federation's website or can be submitted through the Competition Manager's Dashboard. Isolation plans will be required to be printed and posted on the showgrounds. 


Video Resources

    Development of an Isolation Plan                                        Implementation of an Isolation Plan 



Questions related to submitting isolation plans, determining if an isolation plan is needed for a competition and all other isolation items should be directed to the Equine Health Team at [email protected]

Additional Resources

Guidance for Setting up an Isolation Plan

This document walks through the necessary components to include when setting up an isolation plan.

Isolation Plan Template

This document will be what is required to be filled out and submitted to the Federation instead of submitting via the Competition Dashboard.

Isolation Supplies List

This list details what supplies are necessary to have available in the event a horse is to be isolated.

Isolation Flow and Checklist

This document is to help competition management determine if an isolation plan is needed. If onsite isolation is required, the document will list the components to be included in the plan.

Offsite Isolation Requirements

This flow chart provides the necessary components that are required for offsite isolation.

Onsite Isolation Stabling Requirements

This flowchart displays the necessary components that are required when filling out an isolation plan for a competition that has onsite isolation stabling.

Reporting Equine Health Events Graphic

This graphic explains which items are to be reported related to equine health, what is to be included in the report and who the report should be sent to.

Disinfectant List

This list gives many options for disinfectants to consider using when disinfecting stalls, feed and water buckets, temporary stall panels, etc.