Program Overview

The USEF Pony Jumper Championships provide an opportunity for Junior pony athletes to compete against their peers over multiple days of Jumping competition.  A Team Championship and an Individual Championship will be offered. Fence heights will be varried according to specific height categories.

The 2025 USEF Pony Jumper National Championship will be held in Lexington, Kentucky (USA), August 6-9, 2025, in conjunction with the USEF Pony Finals.  

The Categoreis are as follows:

    • Small Pony Category: ponies not to exceed 12.2 hands, athletes USEF 12 years of age (maximum), fence heights .60-.65m, not to exceed .70m.
    • Medium Pony Category: ponies not to exceed 13.2 hands, athletes USEF 14 years of age (maximum), fence heights .70-.75m not to exceed .80m.
    • Large Pony Category: ponies not to exceed 14.2 hands, athletes USEF 16 years of age (maximum), fence heights.80-.85m not to exceed .90m.
    • 1.05m Category: ponies not to exceed 14.2 hands, USEF junior athletes, as determined under GR103 Fence heights not to exceed 1.15m


  1. athlete/pony combinations must have completed, without have being eliminated, retired, or withdrawn, a minimum of four (4) jumper classes, at their respective category’s height or above, at two (2) different USEF or FEI licensed competitions within the qualifying period provided they meet the requirements outlined in Section I.


Athlete applications are available through MyUSEF - Athlete Dashboard - Online Applications.

Application deadline is July 1, 2025.

2025 Selection Procedures

Championship Format:

Thursday, August 7: Individual Championship Phase I, Welcome Class, Table II (Clear Round)

Friday, August 8: Team Championship & Individual Phase II, Modified Nations Cup with two indentacle rounds

Saturday, August 9: Farewell Class, 1.05m Table II (Clear Round) for those not eligible for or taking part in the Individual Championship Phase III

Saturday, August 9: Individual Championship Phase III, Table II one round with Time Allowed. In the event of a tie for Gold, Silver, or Bronze, there will be a jump-off over a shortened course in which time will decide between competitors with equal faults.  


Important Dates:

September 1, 2024 - Start of qualifying period

July 1, 2025 - Application deadline and end of qualifying period

July 25, 2025 - Standings lists posted complete 

July 29, 2025 - Athlete invitations distributed


2025 Pony Jumper Applied List


Questions?  Contact Erin Keating, Director of Jumping Development Programs at [email protected].

Additional Resources

2025 Pony Jumper Championship Selection Procedures

Selection Procedures for 2025 USEF Pony Jumper National Championships

Delta Air Lines Discount Code

Delta Air Lines discount code for individuals traveling to 2024 Pony Finals.

Inspection Diagram

Diagram of the Veterinary Inspection to be used for the "jog"