The United States Equestrian Federation contributes to the greater good of horses by assisting with their protection and welfare in daily competition and by ensuring fairness, safety and enjoyment of the sport.
The United States Equestrian Federation takes allegations of cruelty, abuse and neglect seriously and has no tolerance for this type of behavior at our Licensed Competitions. We encourage all participants to use their best judgment and do everything possible to ensure the safety and welfare of their horses is a top priority. If you have witnessed an act that jeopardizes the safety and welfare of an equine you should follow the options below for reporting the abuse.
The Bylaws and Rules of the United States Equestrian Federation enable the Hearing Committee to grant reciprocity for equine cruelty, abuse, or neglect when disciplinary action has been taken against a person by an administrative agency; arbitration or other tribunal body; humane society; or court of law, whether civil, criminal, arbitral or administrative. We encourage you to report known or witnessed abuse to local law enforcement or The Humane Society of the United States.