1. What’s the difference between an FEI Passport and an FEI Recognition Card?
FEI Passports and FEI Recognition Cards function the same but are slightly different documents:
The FEI Recognition Card is the preferred document of the FEI, and horses with breed passports (national passports from another country or USEF National Passports) should be issued an FEI Recognition Card instead of an FEI Passport.
2. Why/when do horses need a passport?
Horses that compete in FEI competitions must have an official identification document for competition. We offer three types of documents:
3. How do I apply for a passport?
Read the Passport Guide: How to Apply for a Passport for helpful information and requirements.
At this time, the online Passport Service Application is only available for New FEI Passports, New USEF National Passports, Passport Revalidations at this time.
A Passport Service Application can be downloaded from the USEF website and can be submitted via mail, fax, or through our secure document upload link: https://members.usef.org/document-upload
4. How long does passport validation take?
Please allow six weeks from start to finish for the passport to be validated and ready for competition. Processing time will vary based on time of year and volume.
5. How do I make sure my horse’s passport is ready in time?
Expedited Passport Service guarantees a 3 business day turnaround providing all necessary documentation has been provided at the time of submission. Passport services that involve either a foreign National Federation or FEI approval are available for the expedited service but keep in mind that timing will depend on the responsiveness of the foreign NF and/or the FEI. The $300 expedited fee is non-refundable even when requirements are not met, so please review all requirements carefully before requesting this service. Please mark “Expedited” at the top of the Passport Service Form for rush processing.
6. How will my passport be mailed back to me after USEF processes it?
We can send back the passports with either UPS or USPS, depending on what you select on the application.
7. How do I read my horse’s passport?
Review the Passport Guide: How to Read a Passport.
8. Who do I contact for help with my horse’s passport?
Please email any questions, concerns, vaccination pages for review, etc. to our monitored email at passports@usef.org. A Passport representative will respond to you as quickly as possible.
9. What are the Equine Influenza Vaccination requirements in the passport?
For primary series administered prior to January 1, 2024:
An initial Primary Course of two vaccinations must be given; the second vaccination must be administered within 21-92 days of the first vaccination.
The first booster must be administered within 7 calendar months following the date of administration of the second vaccination of the Primary Course.
Any Horse receiving a new Primary Course as of 1 January 2024 must be vaccinated as follows:
Subsequent Booster vaccinations must be administered at a maximum of 12 month intervals, however, Horses competing in Events must have received a booster within 6 months +21 days (and not within 7 days) before arrival at the Event.
Horses may compete 7 days after receiving the second vaccination of the primary series.
Passports will NOT be approved until both vaccines of the primary series have been administered and recorded correctly.