1. Who is exempt from paying a USEF show pass fee?
2. Who is a considered a USEF non-member?
3. What if a horse is entered under multiple ownership?
4. How should a horse entered under multiple ownership be reported in results?
5. Do I need to forward show pass forms to USEF?
6. If an individual pays a show pass fee are they entitled to USEF privileges?
7. Am I required to collect a show pass fee on a non-U.S. citizen?
8. If and when does the show pass fee amount change?
9. How much is the IHP fee?
10. Who Pays International High Performance fees?
10. Are foreign competitors required to pay the IHP fee?
12. How are USEF Drug and Medication fees used by the Federation?
12. What participants are exempt from the USEF Drug and Medication fees?
14. Are classes exempt from per horse fees exempt from the Drugs and Medications Chapter of the rule book?
15. Can a licensee assess a drug fee in excess of the stated Federation fee?
15. Do all drug fees have to be remitted to USEF?
17. How much is the horse fee for FEI sanctioned competitions?
18. Who pays the Federation Eventing USEF horse fees?
19. Who is required to pay the $0.45 dressage per ride fee?
20. Who pays the per horse fee?
21. What section codes are used to report special/medal class entries?