Application - USEF Para Coach Certificate Program - Now Available through USEF membership portal APPLICATION is available through USEF membership portal, Once signed on, click on Athlete Dashboard, Online Applications, Para-Equestrian, 2025. Additional Requirements USEF Safe Sport Online Training. Cost: Free. ( USEF Background Check (required) Cost: $20. ( Click on My USEF in upper right of screen and enter your membership I.D. to access your Member Dashboard. Background Check is located at the bottom of page. PERSONAL NARRATIVE: 250-500 words, 12 pt font, letter format with signature, name, date, and address to be submitted with the application on a separate document. It should include the following information:
1)Riding, coaching, and competition experience in the equestrian sports of dressage, para-dressage, and/or eventing dressage. List any coaching certification currently held (PATH Int’l.,BHS, USDF, USEA). Include your educational background (academic and equestrian coursestaken). List any achievements/awards/scores at recognized shows (USDF, USEA).
2)Current training and competition goals (e.g. personal and any athletes you train).
3)Riding/training influences and coaching philosophy.
4)Indicate why this coach certification is important to you.
5)Explain how you will engage with para-equestrian sport beyond an individual athlete, suchas giving back through apprentice coach development and overall sport awareness.
6)If applicable, state your case for Fast-Tracking as outlined in the Information Booklet.
250-500 words, 12 pt font, letter format from a dressage coach/mentor with signature, name,date, and address to be submitted with the application on a separate document. This lettershould include the following information: the applicant’s character, equestrian skills andknowledge, riding and coaching experience and goals, and commitment to the sport.
Mail additional requirements to Laureen Johnson, Director of Para Equestrian at [email protected].