The U.S. Center for SafeSport will update their SafeSport training courses on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Those who are in the process of completing a course need to complete them by Tuesday, March 25 to avoid having to restart from the beginning.

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Competition Resources



Archived COVID-19 Updates from USEF


COVID-19 Updates from USEF Recognized Affiliates:

Managing your risk of exposure to the Coronavirus is essential to maintaining good health.  At this time, it is appropriate to be cognizant of proper hygiene and incorporating common sense actions into your everyday activities in order to prevent the spread of this virus.  If you have done so already, please consider getting a COVID vaccination and stay up to date with boosters for which you are eligible.  Practices such as regularly washing your hands with soap and water or an alcohol based hand sanitizer; practicing good sneeze and cough hygiene; avoiding touching your mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands; avoiding close contact with people who are sick; and disinfecting and cleaning often touched objects and surfaces can help reduce your risk of exposure. 

Please contact your local healthcare provider with any questions or personal concerns about Coronavirus Disease.

We will continue to monitor this issue and provide updates as needed. 

Additional Resources

Federal Unemployment Information (all states)


Kentucky Career Center – Unemployment Filing Instructions


Unemployment Claims System

From the Kentucky Career Center

CARES Act Information

Coronavirus Emergency Loans: Small Business Guide and Checklist, prepared by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

CARES Unemployment Information

Agreement Implementing the Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act

CARES Payroll Protection Program

Paycheck Protection Program FAQs for Small Businesses, prepared by the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship

CARES Payroll Protection Program Application

Paycheck Protection Program application Form

CARES Payroll Protection Program Fact Sheet

Paycheck Protection Program Information Sheet: Borrowers

Recursos de COVID-19 en Español

Del Consejo del Caballo de Kentucky y la Oficina del Veterinario del Estado

State Horse Councils

From the American Horse Council