Member News
Join us for the 2025 USEF Annual Meeting in Lexington, Ky- January 23-25, 2025. Register today!
US Equestrian offices will be closed December 24th through January 1st as our staff members take time off to celebrate the Holidays. We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season!
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Meet Our Community Outreach Organizations: Taking the Reins

by | Nov 7, 2023, 9:56 AM

Located within the city limits of Los Angeles, California, Taking the Reins (TTR) is instrumental in providing equine opportunities for their local community. TTR is dedicated to

helping historically under-served girls learn how to navigate their future and maximize their potential by creating an environment for exploration and growth. The focus of TTR’s programming can be found in four pillars – confidence, leadership, responsibility, and teamwork. TTR provides a safe and nurturing environment where all individuals feel respected, valued, and equitably supported to reach their full potential.

The young women who come to TTR learn to help care for a herd of horses, tend flocks of chickens and ducks, and help plant and harvest the garden. All of these skills tie directly back to TTR’s four pillars. The impact this program has on its participants can be best seen in their future endeavors. Many of the participants return to TTR as mentors for the next generation of equestrians. Others take the skills they have learned and apply them to their college and/or career paths.

Learn More about  Taking The Reins Los Angeles Non-Profit for Girls.