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Susan Treabess and Kamiakin Top Golden State Dressage Classic CPEDI3*

by USPEA | Jun 17, 2013, 7:28 AM

Susan Treabess and Kamiakin (Lindsay McCall)
Susan Treabess and Kamiakin (Lindsay McCall)
Rancho Murieta, CA
- As the Pura Raza Espanol, Kamiakin, made its way down to X on the centerline, Susan Treabess (USA) cracked a smile. The Golden State Dressage Classic CPEDI3* crowd erupted in cheering for the stallion and his Grade IV rider who had just completed an outstanding freestyle. After three days of Para-Dressage competition in front of judges Alison King (HK) FEI 4*, David Schmutz (USA) FEI 4* and Lorraine Stubbs (CAN) FEI 4*, Susan knew she was ready and excited for the years to follow. In 2010, Treabess represented the USA at the World Equestrian Games (WEG). In 2014, she hopes to have this opportunity again. During the Golden State Dressage Classic CPEDI3* multiple riders both developing and veterans achieved their qualifying scores for WEG. Those riders include Angela Peavy and two-time Paralympian Barbara Grassmyer, both in Grade III. Grade II rider Ashleigh Flores-Simmons and Grade Ib Roxanne Trunnel. From Canada, Paralympian Jody Schloss of Grade Ia executed exceptional tests while Robyn Andrews followed with her outstanding test scores. After three days of international team, individual, and freestyle tests riders can now reflect and build upon this learning experience for the next major competition year in 2014.

Susan Treabess was unsure of what to expect when she entered her 8 year-old into his first international competition. "What I am taking away from this show is that Kamiakin is a super horse," smiled Treabess." He has to get more experience but he is THE horse for me. He is going to be my partner for a very long time. I am happy with my overall performance this weekend. Of course there were mistakes but I know that in the future I can surpass 70% on this horse. If I don't, it's going to be my fault. I know that now; I have my work cut out for me but I have the right team of people ready to help me get there."

After a conservative team test ride, Treabess pushed Kamiakin during the individual test. That extra push resulted in more expression and a higher percentage score however, it also created a little tension that will be polished out as they gain experience together. During the freestyle test, Treabess executed a well-choreographed and artistic test. Treabess noted, "That was our first clean-run of our freestyle. The music lit Kamiakin up a little bit but that will disappear as he gains experience. With the freestyle being 25% of the final selection score, any rider knows they can gain some major points with a great freestyle. However, you can't have that as your major focus. As I work with Kamiakin over the next year, I plan on perfecting our technique giving this horse more experience along the way."

For an international rider like Treabess, getting to the top takes a team. That includes, trainers, farriers, veterinarians, therapists, and so many more supporters. "We have a strong support team," added Treabess. "I want to thank Denny Callin of Holland for giving me his time this week, Ellen Eckstein, and I have to thank Katie and Scott Hill. I would not be in this position without Kamiakin's owners Scott and Katie Hill. They have entrusted me with this horse and chose not to sell him when they could have. I am so thankful I have this opportunity and I am excited for the future."

Both Treabess and Grade III two-time Paralympian Barbara Grassmyer (USA) have been on the international stage. They have experienced what it is like to compete against the best Para-Dressage riders in the world. For developing riders like Roxanne Trunnell (USA), Ashleigh Flores-Simmons (USA), Angela Peavy (USA), and Katie Passerotti (USA) the excitement of what the future will hold is what drives them to succeed.

"This CPEDI3* has been an amazing experience," commented Grade Ib rider Roxanne Trunnell. "I learned what it takes to compete at an international show including the paperwork and process for this level of competition. Even the jog was a new experience and it reminded me of my pony club days but with added pressure. This was our first international show for my girl, Nice Touch and me. I rode two solid rides and we earned our qualifying score. I learned a lot from the judge's remarks and they were right about what I need to work on. Now it's time to go home and train."

Grade Ib young rider, Ashleigh Flores-Simmons agreed, " This weekend has been a really good experience, very educational, and positive because I got out there in front of FEI judges. This is a really great starting point."

She continued, "I was happy with my tests over the weekend. I nailed down the geometry and saw consistencies within the remarks that the judges made. Many of the comments were things I knew I had to work on but they also pointed out details that made me realize I had performed certain moves better than I had originally thought. It makes me feel like I am on the right track and the hard work payed off. I still have a lot to learn and a lot of work ahead. I am willing to do it, I want to do it, and I do this because I love it."

Competitive as a national rider, the Golden State Dressage Classic CPEDI3* was the first Para-Equestrian Dressage competition Flores-Simmons had ever entered. "I was excited to be around other people with disabilities because I have been so mainstreamed." said Flores-Simmons. "I am eternally grateful for my experience. It's exciting to have the ability to ride against able-bodied people and still be successful but it's really cool to see other people, like myself, get out there and not let their disabilities stop them but let their ability speak."

For Connecticut rider Angela Peavy and her new horse Leandro, the 2013-2014 competition year will be full of excitement. Peavy has gained notable status as a Young Rider and is quickly developing as an international rider. With her talented Westphalian, a strong support team, a WEG qualifying score, and the desire to work to the top, Angela has combined the pieces to create the ultimate product.

Continued interest in the sport of Para-Equestrian Dressage, more Para-Dressage classifications, and new developing riders promises the United States of America that Para-Dressage is holding it's own in the high-performance world. When riders like Katie Passerotti of Pennsylvania travel across the United States to accomplish a dream, shows what the equestrian sport as a whole does for lovers of the horse.


Judges H: Stubbs (CAN) C: King (HK) B: Schmutz (USA)

Placing, Name of Rider, Country, Name of Horse, H, C, B, Total %

Grade Ia:
1. Jody Schloss, CAN, Inspector Rebus, 68.000%, 68.250%, 66.750%, 67.667%
2. Robyn Andrews, CAN, Fancianna, 63.500%, 64.000%, 70.750%, 66.083%

Grade II:
1. Ashleigh Flores-Simmons, USA, Athena, 68.000%, 60.500%, 64.750%, 64.417%

Grade III:
1. Angela Peavy, USA, Leandro, 65.500%, 65.0%, 66.750%, 65.750%
2. Barbara Grassmyer, USA, Mibis, 65.250%, 64.750%, 60.000% 63.333%

Grade IV:
Susan Treabess, USA, Kamiakin 69.250%, 71.000%, 73.750%, 71.333%
Katie Passerotti, USA, Luck Dragon, 61.250%, 60.250%, 60.500%, 60.667%

Judges H: Schmutz (USA) C: Stubbs (CAN) B: King (HK)

Placing, Name of Rider, Country, Name of Horse, H, C, B, Total %

Grade Ia:
1. Jody Schloss, CAN, Inspector Rebus, 70.870%, 66.522%, 66.957%, 68.116%
2. Robyn Andrews, CAN, Fancianna, 66.957%, 66.087%, 63.478%, 65.507%

Grade Ib:
1. Roxanne Trunnell, USA, Nice Touch, 64.483%, 64.138%, 63.621%, 64.080%

Grade II:
1. Ashleigh Flores-Simmons, USA, Athena, 59.571%, 60.714%, 58.571%, 59.619%

Grade III:
1. Angela Peavy, USA, Leandro, 60.122%, 65.488%, 65.488%, 63.699%
2. Barbara Grassmyer, USA, Mibis, 60.122%, 59.390%, 57.561% 59.024%

Grade IV:
Susan Treabess, USA, Kamiakin, 69.643%, 65.952%, 66.786%, 67.460%
Katie Passerotti, USA, Luck Dragon, 53.929%, 55.238%, 50.238%, 53.135%

TEAM TEST COMPETITION: Judges H: King (HK) C: Schmutz (USA) B: Stubbs (CAN)
Placing, Name of Rider, Country, Name of Horse, H, C, B, Total %

Grade Ia:
1. Jody Schloss, CAN, Inspector Rebus, 71.087%, 67.826%, 72.391%, 70.435%
2. Robyn Andrews, CAN, Fancianna, 66.739%, 68.261%,71.087%, 68.696%

Grade Ib:
1. Roxanne Trunnell, USA, Nice Touch, 64.6%, 61.6%, 63.6%, 63.267%

Grade II:
1. Ashleigh Flores-Simmons, USA, Athena, 56.765%, 62.059%, 63.676%, 60.833%

Grade III:
1. Angela Peavy, USA, Leandro, 63.158%, 62.632%, 65.263%, 63.684%
2. Barbara Grassmyer, USA, Mibis, 56.579%, 64.868%, 61.579% 61.009%

Grade IV:
1. Susan Treabess, USA, Kamiakin, 66.190%, 67.024%, 69.048%, 67.421%
2. Katie Passerotti, USA, Luck Dragon, 56.190%, 57.619%, 64.405%, 59.405%