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American Saddlebred Registry Grand National and Futurity Deadlines December 31

by By Reeves Kirtner | Dec 22, 2005, 9:35 AM

Important deadlines for the American Saddlebred Registry (ASR) Grand National and Futurities are Saturday, December 31, 2005. For the ASR Grand National, the recording deadline for 2005 foals is December 31, and the stallion nomination deadline for 2005 foal eligibility is also December 31. With the 10-day grace period, the deadline extends to January 10, 2006.

By recording a 2005 foal for $250, that foal receives lifetime eligibility in ASR Grand National classes. Stallions that are sired by a Grand National nominated stallion can be nominated for $2,500; stallions that are not sired by a Grand National nominated stallion can be nominated for $3,000.

Since its inception in 1984, the Grand National has awarded $2,518,400, to owners, recorders and nominators.

ASR Futurities
In order to maintain ASR Futurity eligibility, 2005 foals nominated to the National Three-Year-Old Futurity, Kentucky Futurity and/or Kentucky Amateur Futurity must be registered (or application received at the American Saddlebred Registry) on or before Saturday, December 31, 2005.

Any foal application received with a postmark date after December 31 will no longer be eligible for the ASR Futurity programs. Pending applications must be completed before Friday, March 31, 2006, of the yearling year; blood and/or DNA samples should be submitted to the University of Kentucky before Monday, January 31, 2006, to ensure blood-typing and/or DNA results are received in the ASR office prior to the March 31 deadline.

ASR Futurities have awarded over $245,000 each of the last two years at the Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show, and have grown by 23% over the last 10 years.

Any questions concerning either the Grand National or Futurities should be directed to Patricia Edwards, Prize Program Secretary, at (859) 259-2742, ext. 320, or e-mail [email protected].


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