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Bull Run's Becky Blue and Megan McDermott Win the $30,000 Grand Prix of Princeton

by Princeton Show Jumping | Jul 8, 2013, 8:12 AM

Megan McDermott and Bull Run's Becky Blue (Paws and Rewind, LLC)
Megan McDermott and Bull Run's Becky Blue (Paws and Rewind, LLC)
Skillman, NJ
- Some of the country's best young riders competed against seasoned professionals in the $30,000 Grand Prix of Princeton. The track was set by world renowned course designer Werner Deeg. The first round and jump-off courses were true testsof adjustability. Five of the twenty-eight starters found thier way around the course faults free.

Schuyler Riley and Carney Hough Manx returned first and put in a clear round, ultimately finishing fourth. Ramiro Quintana and Ollywood Des Horts gave it their all, and had the fastest time, but faulted at the last fence. Megan McDermott and the appropriately named Bull Run's Becky Blue were last to go. Becky Blue jumped beautifully and galloped to victory ediging out Timo and Cody Auer by tenths of a second. 

Watch Megan and Beck Blue's round.

Watch the entire jump-off.