Rocket Finder MMR (Courtesy Don Shugart )
As this breed continues to demonstrate notable growth in membership and horse recordings, the Appaloosa Horse Club has joined the National Federation's equestrian family, as a 2006 United States Equestrian Federation Affiliated Association. With more than 28,000 members and hundreds of thousands of horses registered through the Appaloosa Horse Club's International Breed Registry, it's clear this breed will continue to command attention in the 21st century.
"We're delighted to have the Appaloosas join the Federation as an Affiliated Association," said John Long, USEF Chief Executive Officer. "The Appaloosas possess a rare beauty combined with athleticism that makes it a favorite companion of many equestrians and we gladly welcome the Appaloosa Horse Club to our equestrian family."
"We too are excited about the opportunity to join forces with the USEF," said Frank Holmes, ApHC Director of Public Relations and Communication. "We look forward to forging a mutually-beneficial partnership that will add a new dimension to the efforts of both organizations."
For more information on the Appaloosa horse or the Appaloosa Horse Club, visit www.appaloosa.com.
To receive photos for publication, or for more information, please contact Sarah Lane, Public Relations Manager, via phone at (859) 225-6974 or via e-mail at [email protected]. USEF press releases can be found on our website, www.usef.org.
~~~For more information, please contact Sarah Lane, Public Relations Manager at (859) 225-6974 or via e-mail at [email protected]. USEF press releases are available on our web site at www.usef.org.