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Change to GR 843 Mandatory Reporting & Cooperation of Horse/Pony Collapse

by USEF Communications Department | Jul 22, 2013, 10:24 PM

This rule change becomes effective on August 1, 2013, and concerns the actions taken should a horse or pony collapse at a USEF Licensed Competition. This rule change proposal has been commonly referred to as the “Collapse Rule” and is the first  to be presented in the formation of an Over-Arching Catastrophic Incident Protocol.

GR 843 Mandatory Reporting & Cooperation of Horse/Pony Collapse

This rule applies to collapses of horses/ponies. For purposes of this rule, a "collapse" is defined as a fall to the ground with no apparent cause at any time from when entries arrive at the venue until departure from the venue. Other falls are not considered to be a collapse and are defined in GR122 and specified division rules. Refer to GR1035.4 for reporting requirements for all other falls and accidents.

1. The trainer as defined in GR 404, or the owner if the trainer is unavailable, or the rider if the trainer and owner are both unavailable, shall notify the Steward/Technical Delegate as soon as possible but no later than three hours after of such occurrence of any collapse of a horse or pony. When a collapse occurs outside of competition hours or before the competition begins, notification must occur as soon as possible but no later than three hours after the Steward/TD reports to the show or returns to duty.

2. The Steward/TD shall report to Competition Management and the Federation within one hour of notification of a collapse.

3. In addition to the duties set forth in GR 1035.4, the Steward/TD shall file an Accident/Injury/Equine Collapse Report Form or Equine Fatality Report Form with the Federation within 24 hours of notification, except in exceptional circumstances such as no internet access at the venue.

4. The Federation, at its expense, may appoint a veterinarian to inspect the horse or pony that has collapsed and provide a full report to the Federation. Refusal to submit an animal for examination by an authorized veterinarian after due notification shall constitute a violation of this rule.

5. Any horse or pony that collapses at a licensed competition is subject to drug and medication testing in accordance with Chapter 4 of these rules.

6. The rider, owner, and trainer as defined in GR 404 shall cooperate with the Federation as to any investigation it undertakes with respect to a collapse or death of a horse/pony. This includes providing information requested by the Federation within 10 days of the request.