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Attend the Saddlebred Summit; 2006 ASHA Annual Meeting and Youth Conference Details Announced

by By Reeves Kirtner | Jan 19, 2006, 11:00 AM

The details for the Saddlebred Summit, the 2006 ASHA Annual Meeting and Youth Conference, can be found on the Association's website at www.asha.net/ASHA-Annual-Meeting.

The Saddlebred Summit will take place in Lexington, KY, February 16-18, at the Embassy Suites of Lexington. A complete schedule of events and event descriptions can also be found online. Highlights include the ASHA Open Members Forum, Open Committee Meetings and the Saddlebred Ball at the Keeneland Entertainment Center, where the Association's most prestigious awards are presented.

The 2006 Youth Conference will take place in conjunction with the Annual Meeting Friday and Saturday, February 17-18. Highlights include a Youth Fashion Show presented by Le Chavel, the "Past, Present and Saddlebred Future" Youth Field Trip and many other activities.

Annual Meeting registration forms can be downloaded at www.asha.net/files/2006amreg.pdf; Youth Conference Registration Forms can be downloaded at www.asha.net/files/2006ycreg.pdf.

Summit attendees can make hotel reservations for a special convention rate of $110 before Friday, January 20. Reservations can be made by calling (859) 455-5000 or 1-800-EMBASSY. Be sure to mention that you are attending the American Saddlebred Horse Association convention. Reservations can also be made online by going to www.embassy-suites.com; go to FIND A HOTEL, enter Lexington, KY, click FIND IT, then VIEW RATES, enter dates and convention code AMS to receive the discounted group rate.

Registration forms, proxy materials and ASHA Board of Director ballots and biography information were mailed Saturday, January 14.

Alan F. Balch, ASHA executive secretary, said he is very excited for this year's activities. "The Annual Meeting is the one time each year when the membership meets formally and directly with their Association's leadership," Balch said. "It is important that the members take advantage of the opportunity to discuss the status of their breed."

For sponsorship, vendor and other information, please contact Matthew Williams, ASHA Development Manager, by calling (859) 259-2742, ext. 348, or e-mailing [email protected].
