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USEF Announces Outreach Grant Program to Assist Breed Shows with Expenses

by By Maria Partlow | Jan 20, 2006, 3:29 AM

Mike Ferrara
Mike Ferrara
(Lexington, KY) - Throughout the year there are many competitions which are extremely valuable to the various USEF breed organizations but are a challenge to organize due to required expenses. The USEF wishes to support the widest possible network of shows for its breed members and enthusiasts by announcing a new Outreach Grant program.

A total of $125,000 has been budgeted in 2006 for grants to financially challenged breed competitions which meet the grant requirements and are approved by the USEF. This program will be on a first come, first served basis, so applications should be submitted as soon as possible. The maximum grant is $1,000.

Each grant request will be evaluated based on when it was received and on the proposed use of funds, which must be earmarked for certain expenses including EMT’s, veterinarians, stewards, and insurance. Application information will be reviewed by the USEF National Affiliate Staff with input from the National Affiliates Working Group. The final decision for the Grant approval will be made by the USEF Executive Office after a recommendation by the National Affiliate Staff.

“The breadth of the USEF extends from the grass roots of equestrian sport all the way to the Olympic Games. The Outreach Grant Program supports the base of the pyramid which is where the broadest portion of our membership participates. This is the portal where people enter our sport and develop the passion for horses we all share, it is important that we support that base,” said John Long, Chief Executive Officer.

The Outreach Grant Program criteria and application are available on our website at www.usef.org under the “Forms and Pubs” menu selection on the left side of the home page, then select Breeds. Or use this hyperlink: http://www.usef.org/content/formsPubs/index.php?formSelect=breeds
For more information about this program, contact Karen Homer-Brown, Managing Director, National Affiliates, at 859-225-6958 or [email protected].

For more information, please contact Maria Partlow, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications on (859) 225-6941 or via email at [email protected]. USEF press releases are available on our web site – www.usef.org.

~~~For more information, please contact Sarah Lane, Public Relations Manager at (859) 225-6974 or via email at [email protected]. USEF press releases are available on our web site – www.usef.org.