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2005 USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage National Championships Features U.S.-Bred Horses

by By Ekkehard Brysch | Jan 24, 2006, 3:17 AM

The 2005 USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage National Championships turned into a landmark for the ISR-Oldenburg Registry N.A. and its breeders. The prestigious FEI final of the five-year-old dressage horses was dominated by U.S.-bred and even more by ISR-Oldenburg N.A. horses. In the past, most of the horses which made it to the National Finals were imported. For the first time ever in 2005 the majority of the finalists were U.S.-bred horses (eight of 13).

"I think I was more excited about the class than the riders," commented Anne Gribbons, one of the judges of the finals.

Five of the eight U.S.-bred horses in the FEI five-year-old finals were ISR-Oldenburg N.A. horses. The ISR-Oldenburg Registry was proud about their breeders, their sophisticated breeding program and the success of "their" horses, and also feels that this landmark is a turning point in America's sport horse world. America does not only depend on imports any longer.

Five of the 13 horses that qualified for the FEI 5-year old finals, were ISR-Oldenburg horses.

Deena Smith from Olath, KS, brought her ISR bred gelding Brigadier, by Batido out of Lady Deco by Art Deco, bred by Page Hinds-Athan. David Wightman, one of the expert riders at the stallion test in 2000, presented his superior ISR-Oldenburg N.A. gelding very well and impressed the judges to a third place finish (7.62 points). This made Brigadier the highest scoring American-bred horse.

Hilltop Farm's impressive Oldenburg N.A. gelding Pacino, by Parabol out of Corthena by Cor Noir, ridden by Tami Glover, finished in sixth place (7.44 points). Judge Cara Whitham, commented on his "natural uphill topline and lovely ground covering walk." Thus Tami Glover improved her ninth place position from Friday's Preliminary Test to sixth overall.

Eighth place went to the Oldenburg N.A. gelding Carreras by Contucci out of Flashdance by Fuerst. Joint breeders of Carreras were Holly Oak Farm and Hilltop Farm, and he is now owned by Elisabeth Felgendreher (Holly Oak Farm) in Midway, KY. Her husband Dieter Felgendreher (well known as a member of the ISR-Oldenburg executive board and the stallion commission) presented Carreras and achieved 7.292 points.

The Oldenburg N.A. gelding Carnegie, by Contucci out of Vodka Gimlet by Martini, bred by Zada Steidl from Colorado and now owned by Joan Darnell in Texas, was well presented by Claire Darnell and achieved his 11th place with a score of 7.116 points.

Last but not least was a very special horse, who made it into the finals and finished 13th with 6.86 points. It was the ISR-Oldenburg mare Double Entendre by Frohwind out of Doubel Feature by Baron. Breeder and owner Vanessa Carlson of Woodridge Farm, OK, was so happy that her jumper trainer and rider (and former ISR-Oldenburg stallion test staff member) Verena Stock held up to the top dressage riders at the finals.

For more information, contact the Oldenburg Registry NA, International Sporthorse Registry, 517 DeKalb Ave., Sycamore, IL 60178; (815) 899-7803; fax (815) 899-7823; or visit www.isroldenburg.org.
