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United States Olympian and Paralympian Association Donates $1,000 to the Jonathan Wentz Memorial Scholarship Fund

by USPEA | Dec 15, 2013, 4:45 PM

2002 Paralympian Gold Medal Sled Hockey Team and Marine Patt Sapp; James Wentz; Christin Wentz; Tina Wentz; Vice President of the United States Olympian and Paralympian Association and 1984 Olympian Joan Hansen; and USPEA's President and Paralympian Hope Hand (Lindsay Yosay McCall)
2002 Paralympian Gold Medal Sled Hockey Team and Marine Patt Sapp; James Wentz; Christin Wentz; Tina Wentz; Vice President of the United States Olympian and Paralympian Association and 1984 Olympian Joan Hansen; and USPEA's President and Paralympian Hope Hand (Lindsay Yosay McCall)
Richardson, Texas
- In November 2013, the United States Olympian and Paralympian Association, Southwest Chapter, donated $1,000 to the United States Para-Equestrian Association's Jonathan Wentz Memoria Scholarship Fund. The large check was presented by 1984 Olympian Joan Hansen and 2002 Paralympian Gold Medal Sled Hockey Team and Marine Pat Sapp. Joan Hansen is also the Vice President of the United States Olympian and Paralympian Association. Both Hansen and Sapp visited the late Jonathan Wentz's home in Richardson, Texas, to speak with Wentz's family and friends and deliver the donation. Parents Tina Wentz and James Wentz, sister Christin Wentz, and United States Para-Equestrian Association President and Paralympian Hope Hand accepted the endowment in Jonathan's honor.

"The profound way that Jonathan Wentz lived and performed personified the Olympic Spirit," noted Joan Hansen. "His ability to encourage other competitors, mentor students and demonstrate capability instead of disability consistently in front of spectators and behind the scenes are the very reasons the United States Olympian and Paralympian Association, Southwest feels honored to donate to The Jonathan Wentz Scholarship Fund"

The United States Olympian and Paralympian Association (USOPA) was established on October 11, 2013 to partner and integrate Paralympians and Olympians into every facet of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement. In support of the United States Olympic Committee, twenty-two chapters of USOPA strive to foster the spirit of Paralympism/Olympism in each community, to motivate and encourage youth and to develop camaraderie among those who have shared the unique experience of representing their nation at the Olympic/Paralympic Games.

The mission of the USOPA is to create opportunities for local Paralympians and Olympians to become friends, united within neighborhoods, improving communities and inspiring youth to pursue their dreams. These local connections provide the greatest opportunity for breaking stereotypes and promoting Olympism, Paralympism and inclusiveness within regional settings.

Joan Hansen continued, "We encourage Paralympians to join their local USOPA chapters, become involved with sponsored events and help to shape inclusive policy as engaged decision-makers within each chapter's Board of Directors."

The Jonathan Wentz Scholarship Fund was established to continue the dream of Paralympian Jonathan Wentz; to advance High Performance Para Dressage in the USA by supporting and encouraging USA Para Dressage Young Riders to set the goal of International competition.

At age 13, Jonathan set the goal of riding for the USA in the Paralympics. At age 16, he established a plan and budget to achieve his dream. At the age of 21, Jonathan was able to achieve his dream of riding for Team USA in the 2012 London Paralympics earning the highest placing of all USA equestrians that competed in London. Another goal of Jonathan's was to develop a Para Dressage Young Rider program to help grow and improve Para Dressage in the USA. His scholarship fund will be used to offset the cost of YR Championships and International competition for Para Dressage Young Rider's and to encourage their participation enabling them to excel in their sport.

Scholarship funds will go toward assisting USA Para Dressage High Performance Young Riders (ages 16-25 within the competition year), who are actively competing in 3* and above International Para Dressage competitions, and have qualified for the U.S. YR Para Championships.

Funds shall be awarded to help offset competition expenses up to $1,000.00 per competition to help cover entry and other fees including stabling and/or shipping (must be greater than 500 miles one way) costs for competition.