Jessica Spracklin
Jessica Spracklin of Hamilton, OH, was awarded $800 to attend Lendon Gray’s 2014 Winter Intensive Training program. This three month program takes place in Wellington, FL, and creates well-rounded elite equestrian athletes. “My goal for this program is to learn as much as I can as a rider, competitor and teacher,” stated Jessica. “I believe that completing the WIT program will help me gain a very solid foundation and the experience needed so I can help others improve their skills.” Visit Jessica’s blog to learn more about her experience: http://jessicawit.blogspot.com/
Kathy Knappitsch of Fairview, TX, received a $300 Renee Isler Fund grant to attend the Succeed/USDF FEI-Level Trainers’ Conference in Loxahatchee, FL. “Attending this clinic helped to further my dressage knowledge and training so I can be a more effective trainer and instructor at home in Texas,” said Kathy.
Patricia Deasy of Alachua, FL, was awarded $300 and also attended the Succeed/USDF FEI-Level Trainers’ Conference. Patricia stated, “The intricacies of dressage are appealing to me and by attending conferences like this, I am able to watch top trainers and learn from them. I will apply the knowledge to my own riding and will be able to pass it on to my students.”
Grants are available for young riders and professionals through the Renee Isler Dressage Support Fund. Since 2008, the Renee Isler Dressage Support Fund has provided over $40,000 in grants/scholarships to support the further education of the recipients. For more information about this Fund, go to www.dressagefoundation.org/Renee_Isler_Dressage_Support_Fund.htm or contact Jenny Johnson at (402)434-8585 or [email protected].