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National Walking Horse Association Outlaws Black Hoof Polish

by National Walking Horse Association | Feb 24, 2014, 4:07 PM

Lexington, Ky. -
 Effective immediately, the National Walking Horse Association Board of Directors approved the following rule change: Black hoof polish is prohibited. Only clear hoof polish is allowed at NWHA-affiliated shows and events

The NWHA (a USEF alliance partner) published the following as an accompaniment to the announcement:

The National Walking Horse Association (NWHA) located at the Kentucky Horse Park, is committed to preserving and promoting the naturally-gaited walking horse and its welfare. For more than 15 years, NWHA has been improving the lives of horses and people by encouraging responsibility, strict compliance with the federal Horse Protection Act (HPA) and promoting sound events and educational activities while preserving the unique qualities of the Tennessee Walking Horse.

Certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a Horse Industry Organization (HIO), NWHA’s continued commitment to fair and thorough inspections assures all horses are in full compliance with the HPA. We are proud of our long-standing one-hundred percent compliance rate.

Recent activities and changes in other Tennessee Walking Horse organizations have been implemented to further promote the sound flat shod horse, and we as an organization applaud those efforts. We must continue our journey, adjusting to the needs of the industry, to ensure a bright future for the sound and naturally-gaited Tennessee Walking Horses.

The NWHA organization will continue our mission to support the welfare and soundness of our horses. As our industry changes and evolves, we will continue to monitor and implement changes to ensure sound compliance is upheld.

We understand and accept that this rule change is being placed into effect swiftly, and are confident our membership will support any measures to ensure the welfare of our animals and continue our proud history as a fully-compliant organization.