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Half-Arabian Wins Top Honors in AHA High-Point Award; TBR Granite Chief+/ Earns Distance Horse of the Year Award

by By Susan Bavaria | Feb 17, 2006, 11:26 AM

Bob Tarr (TCE Balastrana+++// with Mercy Burwell)
Bob Tarr (TCE Balastrana+++// with Mercy Burwell)
TCE Balastrana+++// (TC Expression x Brooklynn), owned by Mercy Burwell of Brentwood, MO, ranked as the top horse among a field of more than 3,000 Arabians, Half-Arabians and Anglo-Arabians to become the 2005 Arabian Horse Association (AHA) High-Point Horse. To reach this pinnacle, the mare accumulated 388 points in Horse Achievement Awards (HAA), the Association's premier rewards program for actively competing horses.

The Arabian horse industry is the only breed to honor horses with symbols that become a permanent part of a horse's name. Achievement Award symbols are immediately recognized throughout the Arabian horse industry as a sign of honor and prestige. Horses earn points for competing and placing in halter, performance, competitive trail, endurance, eventing, Arabian racing, gymkhana and dressage.

High-Point Horse Awards sponsor, Equine Pro Tack, will award Burwell with a trophy saddle. AHA Corporate Partner Paint Rock Designs will provide Mane and Tail Saver Blankets for the Top Ten HAA winners.

TCE Balastrana+++//, aka Bally, completed her illustrious 2005 year in just under four months by competing in 34 open and amateur classes at Class A, regional and national shows, including training, first and second level dressage and sport horse mares in-hand. She earned four Top Tens, two reserves and two championships at Sport Horse Nationals; five championships and two Top Fives at Regions 11 and 13; and numerous placings at the Abu All-Arabian Show, the Hoosier Horse Classic and the Illinois/Arab Inc. All Arabian Show.

At Youth Nationals, Kaylan Herbst and Mandy Bolanowski took four national championships with Bally in training and first level dressage. "The girls worked very hard to master her," says Burwell.

Burwell credits her trainer of eight years, Kimberly Berkley of Dez-Rey Arabians in St. Louis, MO, with getting her and Bally to their current level. "I'm a first grade teacher, so I know that not everyone learns the same way," says Burwell. "Kim understands this and works with each individual's learning process. She's one of the most patient trainers I've ever encountered."

"Bally is an exceptional horse. We're lucky to have her in the barn," says Berkley. Another 2005 Top Ten winner in the HAA is also trained at Dez-Rey Arabians. Vivacious Leigh+// (Focus Alimus x BA Baskala) owned by Meghan Braden of Collinsville, IL, earned 207 points.

Burwell plans to continue riding "many, many more dressage tests" and working toward third level. "It's a long process, but one that I really enjoy," she says. "One of my goals in life was to win a national championship. I have achieved far more than that, all because of my partnership with Bally."

Registered horses may be enrolled in the HAA program for a one-time initial recording fee of $35. Thereafter, an annual renewal fee of $30 is required in order to receive points for that year.

A new owner may also enroll a horse and buy back points from prior years up to the Achievement Award level which that horse has earned. A new owner can find out if a horse has points that qualify for HAA by calling AHA at (303) 696-4500.

For more information on Achievement Awards, go to www.ArabianHorses.org/Activities.

2005 Horse Achievement Award High Point Top Ten Standings
1. TCE Balastrana+++// (TC Expression x Brooklynn), Mercy Burwell, Brentwood, MO, 388 points
2. DA One Perfect Melody+++// (Mark One x Perfect Instrument), Jodie Surerus, La Glace, Alberta, 368 points
3. Njuepic++// (Hungarian Epic x Judawn), Jodie Surerus, La Glace, Alberta, 346.5 points
4. Touch of Vanity+// (RV Golden Vanity x Honky Tonk Special), Laura Wood, Brooksville, FL, 271.5 points
5. Serannada+//

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Disciplines: Para-Equestrian