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National Reining Breeders Classic Announces Record Foal Enrollments for 2005

by By National Reining Breeders Classic Media | Mar 3, 2006, 11:04 AM

In the past decade, enrolling foals into the National Reining Breeders Classic (NRBC) program has become an integral part of raising reining horse prospects and once again, in 2005, the NRBC saw a record year in foal enrollments. According to NRBC Secretary/Treasurer Cheryl Magoteaux, the total number of foals enrolled for 2005 was an incredible 2,442.

"That's up over 200 foals from last year, our previous high," noted Magoteaux. "We're thrilled that the reining industry has supported this program to this point. 2005 was our first year to pay over a million dollars at the NRBC Show, and with this type of support, the sky is the limit on how much the show and the program can grow."

Magoteaux also explained that the number of subscribed stallions whose get are eligible for enrollment has surpassed the 300 mark and talked briefly about the upcoming 9th Annual NRBC Show. "We're excited about this year's event, as early entries indicate we should see another record payout. But even more, we're already making preparations for our 10th event, which will take place in 2007, and we'll be announcing some new fun activities for the anniversary!"

The NRBC has long been regarded as an innovator in the industry, having pioneered many of the classes, programs and processes that are now reining industry standards. The NRBC Show is slated for April 18-23 at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center in Katy, TX. The National Reining Breeders Classic is the most successful stallion incentive program in reining history. For information on the NRBC, visit the website at www.nrbc.com or call (580) 759-3939.


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