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ASHA Seeks Membership Recommendations for Kentucky State Fair Board Appointment

by By Reeves Kirtner | Mar 9, 2006, 2:03 PM

The vacated position on the Kentucky State Fair Board of Directors occupied for the last nine years by Mary Anne Cronan, and before her for 28 years by Joseph Stopher, is to be filled at the earliest opportunity by appointment of the Governor of Kentucky from a list of six nominees provided to him by the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA).

The Kentucky State Fair is the site of the World’s Championship Horse Show each August, highlighted by the American Saddlebred breed’s most historic events, including the $100,000 Five-Gaited World’s Grand Championship. Well over 1,000 American Saddlebreds compete in the Kentucky State Fair each year, and over $250,000 of the $1-million-plus in prize money on offer is from the American Saddlebred Registry’s prize programs.

The ASHA Executive Committee is to meet soon, followed by a meeting of the full board of directors during the week of March 20.

The membership of ASHA is invited to suggest candidates for the leadership to consider. All nominees on the list to be submitted to the Governor must be residents of Kentucky, and the functions of the State Fair Board are described in KS 247.140. In addition, per KS 247.210, no member of the Fair Board can exhibit at the Kentucky State Fair.

To be considered, all suggestions from the membership must be made formally, in writing, and must be received at the ASHA office not later than the close of business on Tuesday, March 14. Any suggestion must be accompanied by written evidence indicating that the individual whose name is suggested has consented to being considered. In addition, the suggested individual’s detailed written resume demonstrating apt professional and/or volunteer experience suitable for serious consideration as a director of the multi-faceted Kentucky State Fair, as well as thorough commitment to and experience with the American Saddlebred, must be provided at the time of submission.

Questions and submissions should be directed to the directors of ASHA via Executive Secretary Alan F. Balch, 4083 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511, e-mail [email protected], or fax (859) 259-1628.


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