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Collecting Gaits Farm to Sponsor USEF National Grand Prix and Intermediare I Dressage Championships

by Jeannie Putney | Mar 15, 2006, 2:16 PM

Lexington, KY – Collecting Gaits Farm of Alpharetta, Georgia will again sponsor the USEF National Grand Prix and Intermediare I Dressage Championships. Both competitions will take place at the USET Foundation Dressage Festival of Champions, June 15-18 2006, in Gladstone, New Jersey. These competitions will also serve as the selection trials for the 2006 World Equestrian Games. Collecting Gait Farm is owned by Jeff and Shereen Fuqua.

“We take great pride in supporting equestrian sports through the USEF and the USET Foundation,” said Shereen Fuqua, owner of Collecting Gaits Farm. “As amateur riders, we respect the hard work that the dressage competitors and horses achieved to qualify for Gladstone at the highest level. It is an honor for these talented riders to compete and represent the finest of dressage in our country. We want to see this equestrian sport grow and become more mainstream in the U.S. similar to how spectators enjoy it in Europe.”

To qualify for the 2006 Collecting Gaits Farm/USEF National Grand Prix Dressage Championship, horse and rider teams are required to compete in qualifying competitions which take place throughout the country from July through June. These athletes are required to compete in a Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special at the qualifier and a Grand Prix and Grand Prix Freestyle at a second qualifier.

To qualify for the 2006 Collecting Gaits Farm/USEF National Intermediare I Dressage Championship, horse and rider teams are required to compete in qualifying competitions which also take place throughout the country from July to June. These athletes are required to compete in the Prix St. Georges and the Intermediare I in a minimum of two USEF qualifying competitions. In addition, combinations have to complete one Intermediare I freestyle at a qualifier.
~~~For more information, please contact Jeannie Putney, National Marketing Manager, at (859) 225-6974, or via e-mail at [email protected].

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