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Catherine Tyree First and Second in $3,000 Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper Power and Speed

by Emily Riden for Phelps Media Group, Inc. International | Sep 12, 2014, 10:35 PM

Catherine Tyree (Emily Riden/Phelps Media Group)
Catherine Tyree (Emily Riden/Phelps Media Group)
Calgary, Alberta
- Catherine Tyree is having her own bit of a win streak, but for Tyree the streak today came within just one class. The Northwestern University sophomore took both of the top two spots in the morning's $3,000 Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper Power and Speed class. She claimed the victory aboard her own Wetter and finished in a close second with Free Style Van Polderhof.

"I'm so happy. Both horses were so great. I couldn't have asked them to do anything better," Tyree said. "They both really fought today and were so on their game."

Tyree continued, "Wetter's pretty unconventional, but I've had him for over two years now, so I've adapted my ride to him. I know him like the back of my hand. We've done a lot together. I'm really happy that he's finally in the spotlight and that he got his win because he's been so great for me ever since I got him. Then Freestyle: She's 9 years old, but she's a little bit on the greener side so we just started going fast and kind of starting to challenge her a little bit. She's been so great so I'm really thrilled with how she was today."

Tyree heads back to Northwestern next week, but she is always happy to be able to make the trip to the American Gold Cup.

"This is, I think, one of the nicest shows that we have in America. Everything is done so well for the riders and the horses," Tyree said. "The stalls are great. The rings are phenomenal. With Alan Wade here you get really, really nice courses on the field. It's a top show, like something in Europe."