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Danish Warmblood Breed Inspections and Other Local Support of Danish Warmblood Owners

by By the North American Danish Warmblood Association | Apr 19, 2006, 11:35 AM

As part of its ongoing efforts to give local support to the owners and breeders of Danish Warmblood horses in North America, the North American Danish Warmblood Association (NADWA), is sponsoring local inspections of Danish horses at various locations throughout the United States. Dansk Varmblod will be sending its experienced evaluation team of four judges on tour through the U.S. this fall, likely in late September/early October. In addition to evaluating and approving young Danish warmblood foals for registration and branding, the Danish judges will also be evaluating and grading mares for approval to breed Danish, as well as giving preliminary approvals for Danish stallion prospects. The inspection sites will include at least the following locations, although specific dates have not yet been determined:

1) Royalty Farms, Barrington, IL: Contact Richard and Meryl Cannon, (847) 277-1199 or (847) 277-1711; [email protected]; www.diamondlegacybreeding.com

2) Danehill Ranch, Nacasio, CA: Contact Karin Dilou, (415) 662-9555; fax (415) 662-9550; [email protected]

3) Frogs Leap Farm, 216 Sanderson Road, Milton, VT 05468: Contact Becky Train, (802) 893-7323;
[email protected]; www.frogsleapfarm.com

4) Outfoxed Farm, Chester, NY: Contact Carol Seaman, (845) 782-5530; [email protected]; www.outfoxedfarm.com

5) Sunset Cliff Farms, Burnet, TX: Contact Sherry Atherton, (512) 756-0793; [email protected]; www.sunsetclifffarms.com

6) Oakhill Ranch, Folsom, LA: Contact Sharon Londono, (985) 796-3650; [email protected]; www.oakhillranch.com

In addition to the upcoming inspections and registrations, NADWA supports the owners and riders of Danish horses through its high-point support of the USDF all-breed award program and also through its annual awards in the hunter/jumper divisions.

Further detailed information will be available in the near future on the NADWA website at www.danishwarmblood.org.


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