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Boneparte Z and Ellie Ferrigno Finish as Champions of the Echo Junior Hunter 3'3" at WEF

by Jennifer Wood Media, Inc. | Jan 19, 2015, 4:43 AM

Ellie Ferrigno and Boneparte Z (Sportfot)
Ellie Ferrigno and Boneparte Z (Sportfot)
Wellington, Fla.
- Ellie Ferrigno guided Kristi C Siam's horse, Boneparte Z, to three firsts and a second over fences to finish the final day of hunter competition as the Echo Junior Hunter 3'3" champion. Only working together for a month, Ferrigno and Boneparte Z looked like seasoned partners. "He's [Boneparte Z] a really sweet horse. We match really well, and he's really fun!" Ferrigno exclaimed.

The reserve champion was awarded to Molly Zisook and her horse C'est Si Bon. Over the two days of competition the pair finished first and fourth over fences and second in the under saddle.

Even though Ferrigno is new to Boneparte Z, she is used to being on a horse. Only 12 years old, Ferrigno has been riding almost her whole life and started taking the sport seriously about four years ago. With a home base in Newtown, CT, Ferrigno is able to travel to Florida during the winter to compete at WEF.

After the division champion was announced, Ferrigno was very happy about how Boneparte Z performed over the two days. "I couldn't believe that I won both trips yesterday and that he [Boneparte Z] was first and second today," Ferrigno smiled.

Trainer Val Renihan was also excited to see Boneparte Z and Ferrigno top a field of 25 competitors. Renihan commented, "I thought the horse went beautifully for her [Ferrigno], and she found all the jumps so smoothly."

Along with competing in the Junior Hunters, Ferrigno also competes in the 3'6" Equitation classes. Despite having five years left as a junior, Ferrigno looks forward to riding as an amateur in the future.