As discussed at the annual meetings, USEF and USHJA are dedicated to producing a better equine measurement system. It is our goal to develop a fair and accurate system for our members. Numerous issues have been identified and will be addressed over the 2015 competition year in order to have a new system in place for the 2016 competition year.
The action plan includes:
- An enhanced measurement device
- An appropriate height variance for equines identified for a Federation Measurement Verification
- An age limit for a Federation Measurement Verification
- A photo identification system for equine measurement linked to the equine's file
- A limit to Federation Measurement Verification to once in each equine's lifetime
- Options for owners to present their equine for a Federation Measurement Verification at either the competition where it was selected or at an Appeal Measurement
- Educational materials for owners, trainers, riders, and officials
- An enhanced training program for measurement officials and personnel
The USHJA and USEF encourage all owners and trainers to do their due diligence in conducting any purchase or lease transactions involving equines that require measurement to compete at USEF licensed competitions. We will keep our members current as we develop resolutions to these issues.