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Friends of Winter Miles Host Round-Up for Equestrian Facility; Winter Miles Horse Park Will be the First in Seminole County

by By Amy Flom | May 11, 2006, 1:17 AM

The Friends of Winter Miles will sponsor an event to raise community awareness of the Winter Miles Horse Park, the first equestrian park in Seminole County, FL. The Round-Up will be Sunday, May 21, 2006, from 1-4 p.m. at the future site of the Horse Park.

The Round-Up will feature live music, barbecue, carriage and pony rides, games and raffles. The event will also serve as an opportunity for the public to see the site and show their support for this important community asset. Advanced tickets are available for $15 dollars each, and books of 10 tickets can be purchased for $10 each. Children under 12 are free. Checks should be made payable to Friends of Winter Miles, and mailed to Cindy Simonton at PO Box 263 Geneva, FL 32732. Please indicate return address and number of kids attending.

Horses have been an integral part of the City of Oviedo’s past. The Round-Up location once was the home of the Winter Miles Training Facility. During the 80’s and 90’s over 200 Standardbred (Trotters) were stabled at Winter Miles from October to May for harness training.

The Winter Miles Horse Park will be built within the new Shane Kelly Park, located at the corner of State Road 426 and Lockwood Boulevard, about four miles east of downtown Oviedo. Upon completion, Shane Kelly Park, including the Horse Park, will be the largest multi-use park in Seminole County, possibly the state, and will no doubt set a standard for others to follow. Upon completion, Shane Kelly Park will include soccer, baseball and football fields, picnic facilities, hiking and horse trails and the equestrian facility.

According to Lisa Giltner, owner of Willingham Dressage, a local equestrian training and teaching facility, once complete, the Horse Park will be an important community asset. The park will accommodate both equestrian and non-equestrian events, help meet an ever growing demand for such facilities in Central Florida. Similar facilities in surrounding counties have positively impacted the local economy as horse shows bring visitors to utilize restaurants, hotels and shops.

If sufficient monies are raised, the site will once again be home to horse events, both competitive and non-competitive, and will support activities related to all riding disciplines.


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