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Samantha Schaefer and Sugar Ray Race to $5,000 Speed Derby Victory at Swan Lake Kick-Off Classic

by Emily Riden, Phelps Media Group | Jun 19, 2015, 8:17 PM

Samantha Schaefer and Sugar RayLittlestown, PA - June 19, 2015 - Samantha Schaefer's longtime mount, Sugar Ray, does not often compete in the open jumpers, but when he does, Schaefer knows she can count on her "steady Eddie." Her trusted partner came through again on Friday afternoon at the Swan Lake Summer Kick-Off Classic where he scored the win in the $5,000 Speed Derby. 

"He doesn't show that much, but when he does he normally makes it worth his while," Schaefer said. "He's my baby. He did the [High Junior Jumpers] a little bit when I first had him. Then when I got some other horses, he started doing the [Low and Medium Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumpers]. He's just kind of been my steady Eddie for a long time. He mostly does the Lows and Mediums now."

Schaefer rode the 16-year-old Swedish Warmblood gelding to multiple blue ribbons in the Low Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumpers at the Upperville Colt and Horse Show two weeks ago, and on Friday she stepped him up for a fun shot at the $5,000 Speed Derby at Swan Lake. 

The fourth to go in the Speed Derby, Andrea Torres Guerreiro, set the time to beat in the faults converted class with a total time of 67.263 seconds on Santa Catalina Farm's Amely 12. However, that time included eight seconds added for two rails that hit the ground during her round, so riders like Schaefer knew that the time could definitely be beat.

Others finished within the time to beat, but they also fell victim to faults added which ultimately kept them from topping Guerreiro's lead spot. Helen Goddard and her own Sweetheart were the first to surpass Guerreiro successfully; they finished with a final time of 66.512 seconds and moved into first temporarily before ultimately finishing in second.

Two trips later it was Schaefer's turn in the Grand Prix Ring, and she and Sugar Ray made the Oscar Soberon designed course look easy. They left all of the fences intact to finish in a quick and clean time of 61.086 seconds, easily clinching them the victory.

"He's my speed demon. He's really fast on his feet between the jumps, so it was a good course for me," Schaefer said. "Basically everyone jumped the same track. There weren't really any different turns that you could do. It was more just about being efficient and being neat at places you can. He allows me to do that and is really rideable which is so nice."

Schaefer continued, "He's one of the very few that are going to be a Schaefer for life. He actually looks like a children's hunter at home. He's very quiet. He jumps like a 3' course, a 3'6" course maybe, to help him stay fit, and that's about it. He knows his job, and he just kind of goes. You just let him do his thing." 

Schaefer, a 22-year-old student at Baylor University, was not the only young competitor riding away with top honors on Friday. In Friday morning's $1,000 1.30m Jumpers, it was two of Redfield Farm's top young riders who faced off at the top. Morgan Ward and Cassandre Kahle, aboard Quite High and Tequila Girl respectively, were the only two riders to turn in double clear efforts, and ultimately, it was less than one-hundredth of a second that made a difference in their outcomes. Ward and Quite High, owned by Redfield Farm, tripped the timers in a time of 40.465 seconds, while Kahle and fellow Redfield Farm horse Tequila Girl crossed the finish line in 40.470 seconds, securing Ward the victory.

Jumper competition at the Swan Lake Summer Kick-Off Classic continues Saturday afternoon with the $25,000 Kick-Off Classic beginning at 2 p.m. in the Grand Prix Ring.
$5,000 Speed Derby Results
Rank        Horse        Rider                Prize    Total Time   
1st    494 - SUGAR RAY    SAMANTHA SCHAEFER        $1,250     61.086
2nd 314 - SWEETHEART HELEN GODDARD            $850     66.512
3rd 502 - AMELY 12    ANDREA TORRES GUERREIRO    $475     67.263
4th    247 - ALLEGRETTA    RANDY JOHNSON        $350     70.058
5th    427 - PENINSULA EMERALD LASS CAITLIN IVEY    $325 70.354
6th 304 - HEADS UP 3E    TAMARA MORSE        $300     70.974
7th    564 - SOFIA CAR    NIKKI PROKOPCHAK        $275      71.864
8th    241 - CHARMEUR ASK    MELISSA RUDERSHAUSEN $250     72.968

Nicole Wood Rides Away With Triple Blues in Amateur-Owner Hunters at Swan Lake Summer Kick-Off Classic

The number 555 proved to be Nicole Wood's lucky one, as she swooped in to claim all three blue ribbons in Friday's 3'6" Amateur-Owner Hunter division at the Swan Lake Summer Kick-Off Classic with this number displayed across her back. Wood and her European partner, Cello, delivered three seamless performances in both of the over fence classes and on the flat, proving they would settle for nothing less than perfection.

"We've had success and not success. It all just depends on how I ride. She's just a super sweet horse; she's the nicest mare ever, and she felt really great today," Wood smiled, praising her 10-year-old mount.

On Friday, the pair of three years saw definite success, confirming that hard work pays off. This is the first year Wood has been showing Cello in the 3'6", yet they were able to make the tasks at hand look like second nature amongst the group of competitors.

"After the rain yesterday, I was a little worried about the footing during today's class. Luckily enough, the rain held off, and the staff at the show made sure the footing was up to par, just as they always do," Wood continued, expressing her gratitude toward the team at Swan Lake Stables. "We come here all the time; we show here all throughout the winter. It's close to home; the facilities are always in great condition, and the jumps are always really nice. We like coming to a top show facility that's right in our backyard."

Debbie Kelly and Wendy Staub's Beste 4 Me MRF are another pair who live within close proximity of the show grounds, and they let their confidence shine in the familiar arena on Friday by earning good ribbons in the 3'3" Amateur-Owner Hunters. Kelly revealed the fact that she has spent 23 years out of the saddle, and excitedly declared after her three successful rides on her trusty mare; "now that I'm back on, I'm never stopping."

After witnessing the performances Kelly put in atop Staubs' big bay warmblood on Friday afternoon, bystanders would have never guessed the rider was coming off of such a long hiatus. The two rode to third place in their first class over fences, just below Jennifer Midiri-Berry and Cheval Bronze VF, who landed second, and Jennifer Deardroff who snagged the win with her gelding, Unexpected.

Although Samantha Schaeffer navigated her partner, Hashtag, to the blue during the second round over fences, Kelly was able to top Deardroff this time around, piloting her way to second place overall in the class. The pair then mirrored this placement in the under saddle class, completing the division with two red ribbons.

"She's so amazing. She's really just a nice, quiet, wonderful horse to learn on and ride. I've been riding her for 4 years, but this is the first time she's been showing, because we bought her to be a broodmare," Kelly explained. 

The two continuously return to compete at Swan Lake Stables due to the impressive hospitality, well-kept grounds and proximity to home, and Kelly is optimistic about continuing their success here over the weekend. They will be participating in Saturday morning's $1,000 Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic, showcasing Beste 4 Me MRF's newly acquired skills in the hunter ring at day five of the Swan Lake Summer Kick-Off Classic.
To learn more about the Swan Lake Summer Kick-Off Classic and all of the Swan Lake Horse Shows, please visit www.swanlakehorseshows.com.