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Sweet Briar College Lures Retired UVa Riding Coach to Teaching Post

by By Jennifer McManamay | May 18, 2006, 1:34 PM

Glenn Moody, a highly respected hunter course designer and riding instructor, will join the riding program teaching staff at Sweet Briar College for the 2006/2007 academic year.

Last August, Moody retired from teaching and coaching at The Barracks, home of the University of Virginia riding team, to focus on course designing and judging.

“We were fortunate to have him teach a hugely successful clinic at Sweet Briar last December,” said riding director Shelby French. “We told him then that if he ever decided that he missed teaching, we would love to have him join us at Sweet Briar. Five months later, that is exactly what happened.”

Moody will teach a full course load in the coming year in a position that normally would be filled by a riding fellow. “When this opportunity fell into my lap it was just too good to pass up,” French said.

Moody recently designed and built the courses for Upperville, the Middleburg Classic, the Washington International Horse Show, the Legacy Cup and other top competitions throughout the United States. In addition to his work as a course designer, Moody also is known as an outstanding trainer of hunter and hunter seat equitation riders, having trained for The Barracks in Charlottesville, VA, for more than two decades.

For more information, contact French at (434) 381-6347 or [email protected].
