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Paso Fino Horse Association Announces New Events Manager

by By Sarah Holt | May 18, 2006, 2:16 PM

The Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA) is pleased to announce that Cori Clark has been named as the events manager for PFHA.

Originally, Clark moved to Florida from New York after being hired by the PFHA as the membership secretary two months ago. However, when the events manager position came available, Clark applied and was hired into the position.

Clark has been involved in the horse world from the early age of three, riding Quarter Horses and being a member of the American Quarter Horse Association. Although Clark did not grow up around Paso Finos she is excited about promoting these wonderful horses to the world, and bringing new opportunities to the PFHA members.

“Taking over the events department I am sure will be very challenging,” Clark said. “I am looking forward to those challenges and learning new and exciting things.”
