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Rule Change Announcement for Competitions and Officials Regarding Accident Preparedness Plans

by From the United States Equestrian Federation's Competitions Department | May 18, 2006, 2:24 AM

USEF would like all licensed competitions and officials to be aware of a rule change that became effective on April 1, 2006, requiring ALL competitions to have an accident preparedness plan in place whether the ambulance is on call or on competition grounds. (See GR1212.6. below)

The Safety Page on the USEF web site (www.usef.org/content/safety) contains a copy of the rule as well as sample plans that are offered as guides to help competitions prepare their own emergency plan in accordance with the rule.

The Safety Committee encourages the management of competitions to fully share the emergency plan with all staff and have the plan posted in a prominent place for referral by staff. The purpose of these plans is to ensure that the people who might have to handle an emergency will have specific instructions and contact information to make sure that the victims (equine and human) of an accident or emergency will have immediate and excellent care.

GR1212 Appointment of Officials and Employees
6. … All competitions must have in place prior to the start of the competition, an accident preparedness plan and in conjunction with the plan make the necessary arrangements for an ambulance to be on the grounds or on call. Said plan shall be given to the steward or technical delegate prior to the start of the competition. The steward or technical delegate shall submit said plan to the Federation along with his/her steward or technical delegate report. A fine of $750 per day will be imposed on Licensed Competitions failing to comply with this rule. (Exception: Eventing—see EV112.4.) BOD 1/15/06 Effective 4/1/06

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