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Thoroughbred Charities of America's 2006 Stallion Season Auction to be at Keeneland Entertainment Center

by Sarah Evers | May 22, 2006, 2:52 AM

In an early announcement, Thoroughbred Charities of America (TCA) has decided to consolidate their dual auctions into one large party on Friday, December 1, 2006, at Keeneland Entertainment Center in Lexington, KY. CandyLand Farm, owned by TCA founders, Herb and Ellen Moelis, was the location for the past 16 years and attended by nearly 400 people each year, with last year's event grossing close to $2,000,000.

The format will be the same, with the over 300-season telephone auction preceding the event, Monday, November 27, through Wednesday, November 29, to allow for the Friday event in Lexington. Hundreds of silent auction items will be featured at the sit-down dinner, with a Live Auction by Fasig-Tipton Auctioneers of approximately 20 select seasons and art to follow.

All proceeds benefit national Thoroughbred non-profits in the fields of rescue/retraining, backstretch/jockey, research, educational scholarships and therapeutic riding centers. Ninety-three cents of every dollar donated is granted directly to the charities with over $12 million granted out to date. TCA is an affiliate of the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association. For more information, visit www.ThoroughbredCharities.org or call Liz Harris at (859) 312-5531.


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