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Miniature Horse National Championship Show in Tulsa Offers Family Fun and Free Admission

by Sarah Evers | Sep 16, 2004, 12:00 PM

The American Miniature Horse Registry (AMHR) announced today that free admission will be offered to all spectators interested in attending the 2004 American Miniature Horse Registry National Horse Show to be held September 16-23 at the Expo Square exhibition center in Tulsa, OK. The AMHR National Horse Show is the equivalent of the Super Bowl for Miniature Horses and attracts top Miniature Horses from throughout the United States. The show is the largest Miniature Horse Show held to date. Over 1,500 entries will compete for National Championships titles over the 8 days of competition.

Spectators will be treated to a variety of classes, from halter classes and youth classes, to obstacle classes, a variety of driving (harness) classes and the very exciting liberty class. Spectators are consistently amazed and delighted by versatility of the docile little horses.

The National Championship show offers almost 300 classes for Miniatures Horses to strut their stuff in. They offer a classes for division "A" Miniatures that stand at 34"and under at the withers and division "B" Miniatures that can measure up to 38" at the withers. Both divisions are delightful and will steal spectator's hearts at a glance.

The American Miniature Horse Registry will host a hospitality booth and offer spectators free information on Miniature Horses. There will also be opportunities for spectators to meet the exhibitors and Miniature Horses close-up.

Horse lovers of all ages are invited to attend the AMHR National Championships and enjoy the show. The morning classes begin each day at 8:30 a.m. and evening classes begin at 6:00 p.m. There is ample seating and handicapped access, and food vendors will be set up during the show. "We are pleased to offer free admission to the show", stated show organizer Lenard Davenport. "We want to encourage seniors organizations, youth groups and families to come and enjoy these amazing little horses".

Interest in Miniature Horses has peaked after a TV show about Miniature Horses aired nationally September 2 on RFD-TV. For more information about this show or other programs offered by the American Shetland Pony Club, visit their website at www.shetlandminiature.com, under events or call (309) 263-4044

The American Shetland Pony Club and The American Miniature Horse Registry is a non-profit organization established to preserve and refine the bloodlines of small equines. Recognized as the oldest and most versatile registry in the United States, the American Shetland Pony Club and The American Miniature Horse Registry offers a variety of programs for Miniature Horse enthusiasts of all ages. Visit their website at www.shetlandminiature.com or write 81-B East Queenwood Road, Morton, IL 61550.

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