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Saddlebred Registration Process Streamlined

by By Matthew Williams | Jun 1, 2006, 9:53 AM

The American Saddlebred Registry has taken a significant step to streamline its registration process, effective immediately, announced Petra Green, Senior Registry Supervisor.

A time-consuming and duplicative step in the process has been eliminated. A second identification form for each registered animal, requiring detailed markings, which had accompanied the DNA/Blood-Typing kit, will no longer have to be completed and returned to the Registry.

“We’re pleased to take this step in response to suggestions from our membership,” said Green and Senior Registry Associate Beth Blanton, who processes all registration applications and formally recommended the change. “Over the years, we’ve looked at this form as a way of double-checking the exact markings against the original application for registration. However, it takes a lot of effort for the registrant, and then at the staff level, where detailed comparisons have to be made and sometimes registrations are held up while we look into any discrepancies. We’re satisfied this step is not really necessary and removing it will save everyone time.”

Green and Blanton added that a special new reminder to check markings and description carefully will accompany all registration certificates. According to Registry rules, any inaccuracies may be corrected without charge, as long as necessary documentation is provided within 30 days of the certificate being mailed to the owner.

Any questions should be addressed to the Registry, via email, care of [email protected] or [email protected].


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