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A Message From The Judges & Stewards Commissioner on Controlled Paddock

by Arabian Horse Association | Feb 9, 2016, 11:16 AM

Aurora, Colo.
- Since the controlled paddock was first instituted, the use of large plastic bags and other items has escalated well beyond what is necessary to assist our in-hand horses into the arena. Additionally, we have erred by not clearly stating how this one specified person appointed by either the show committee or the exhibitor is to go about assisting with entrance(s) into the arena. It is well past time for us to establish these parameters and we ask for the support of all our owners and spectators in understanding that these parameters are for the welfare of our horses and our breed. These parameters will also help remove some of the negativity expressed regarding the current practices of how our in-hand horses are presented to the judges and to the public.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: The one specified person assisting with entrance of in-hand horses into the ring will be allowed to use only the same length whip and appendages as are currently allowed for the individual handling the horse. Rule reference AR114.2: Whips are to be no longer than 6' including snapper/lash/appendage. Small appendages (no more than 12 inches in length) of ribbon, plastic, etc. are permitted.

The designated person will not hit or use any other objects, such as trash cans, walls, etc., to make any noise.

In addition, effective immediately, the use of plastic or paper bags of any type or size is prohibited in assisting with entrance(s) into the arena.

It is the responsibility of Show Management, along with the USEF Steward(s) to ensure the "designated person" understands this policy and their role.

Should this rule/policy be violated, a warning card may be issued to both the handler and the designated person or groom who initiates this violation.

R. Stanton Morey
Judges & Stewards Commissioner Arabian Horse Association

AHA is a major equine association serving 85,600 Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horse owners across North America. AHA registers and maintains a database of more than one million Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses and administers approximately $2 million in annual prize money. AHA produces championship events, recognizes over 400 Arabian horse shows and distance rides and provides activities, education, and programs that promote breeding and ownership.