Lexington, KY – The United States Equestrian Federation® has finalized the second list of breed events that will receive outreach grants through the new program announced in January. The maximum grant is $1,000, and grants are still available. A total of $125,000 has been budgeted in 2006 for grants to financially challenged breed competitions that meet the grant requirements and are approved by the USEF. To date, 61 applications have been received and 49 have been approved.
Grant requests are being evaluated based on the proposed use of funds, which must be earmarked for certain expenses including, but not limited to, EMTs, veterinarians, stewards, insurance and last minute changes of officials.
The new program has elicited much interest, and many applications have been received. The second group of applications has been reviewed by the Sport Programs Department and recommendations sent forward to the executive offices for final approval. Following is a list of those events that will be receiving the second grant funding:
Carolina Classic (#315476) – Williamston, NC
Penn Arabian Jr./Amateur (#1694) – Dillsburg, PA
North Central PAHA Arabian (#261915) – Hughesville, PA
Region X Youth Round-Up (#7071) – Winona, MN
Missouri HSA Kickoff (#629) – Columbia, MO
Calvary Episcopal Charity (#310279) – Columbia, MO
Citrus Cup (#2604) – Newberry, FL
Heritage Classic (#6473) – Athens, TX
Charity Fair (#3920) – Del Mar, CA
Arabian Horse Club of Connecticut (#221) – West Springfield, MA
Tennessee Spring Fling (#322268) – Shelbyville, TN
Windy Tides July Summer Show (320888) – Monroe, WA
LA American Saddlebred Spring Show (#323961) – Gonzales, LA
Sahara Sands Spring Classic (#274) – St. Paul, MN
Middle Tennessee Arabian Horse Show (#323956) – Murfreesboro, TN
OHAHA Fall Show (#819) – Wilmington, OH
Kentucky Fall Classic (#4906) – Lexington, KY
Southern States Morgan Horse Show (#426) - Raleigh, NC
Kentucky Classic 2006 (#320156) - Shelbyville, KY
OVHA Summer Sizzler I (#7066) - Greenville, OH
OVHA Summer Sizzler II (#317316) - Greenville, OH
ABU Arabian (#717) - Springfield, IL
Eastern Arabian (#564) - Quentin, PA
Oshkosh All Breed Horse Show (#324076) - Oshkosh, WI
The Outreach Grant Program criteria and application form is available at www.usef.org under the ‘Forms and Pubs’ and then ‘Breeds’ menu, or at www.usef.org/content/formsPubs/index.php?formSelect=breeds. Further information can also be obtained by contacting Karen Homer-Brown, Managing Director, National Affiliates, at 859-225-6958 or khbrown@usef.org, or by contacting Joyce Hamblin, Director, National Affiliates, at 859-225-6939 or jhamblin@usef.org.
~~~For more information, please contact Jeannie Putney, National Marketing Manager, at (859) 225-6974, or via e-mail at jputney@usef.org.