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American Saddlebred Horse Association Adds Saddlebred Competition Records Online

by By Matthew Williams | Jun 15, 2006, 11:17 AM

The American Saddlebred Horse Association and Registry announced that member access to competition records of registered American Saddlebreds have been added to the expanding functionality of www.saddlebred.com.

"This is an important step forward," said Alan F. Balch, Executive Secretary/Registrar. "We've been building and maintaining competition records for over 15 years, but now we've been able to link pedigrees to those records in a very convenient way."

Balch emphasized that while the Registry staff has always been painstaking in guarding against errors, with this much data on display for the first time, there are bound to be some mistakes that are noticed. "Actually, there are benefits here," he said, "in that with thousands of knowing eyes looking at the data for the first time, and calling any significant problems to our attention, we can research the original files and correct anything important." He said that any corrected information or questions should be sent to [email protected].

Competition records prior to 1990 may be incomplete to some degree, and only competition records from USEF-recognized or licensed competitions in the Saddlebred division have been recorded. Recent competition results are added as data is received from licensed USEF competitions and processed by the Registry staff.


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